Experienced Florida Prescription Drug Error Attorneys
For centuries doctors have known that certain drugs could cure disease. Modern medicine uses powerful and sometimes dangerous prescription drugs to cure illness, minimize the effects of disease, and ease pain. While these drugs have the capacity to cure, they also have the ability to cause great harm. At The McLeod Firm, in St. Augustine, Florida, we are committed to representing clients injured by prescription drugs as a result of physician errors or pharmacy errors.
Knowledgeable Lawyers Focused on Prescription Drug Errors
Prescription drug errors are just as dangerous as surgical errors, hospital or emergency room mistakes. The effects are often devastating and in the most tragic cases, can result in death. What is most appalling about prescription drug errors is that with reasonable care they are preventable. Most prescription drug errors occur because doctors and pharmacists are going too fast, creating the opportunity for a range of mistakes including:
- Physicians not gathering appropriate information about a patient, including information about allergies, other medication, and medical conditions that may be negatively impacted by some medications.
- Writing a prescription for the wrong drug or the wrong dose.
- Not properly explaining the warnings signs of common side effects.
- Doctors and pharmacists not providing warning about the dangers of medications.
- Indecipherable handwriting causing prescriptions to be filled improperly.
- Inappropriate dosing information.
- Pharmacist improperly filling a prescription.
- Mislabeling the drug placed in a bottle and misuse of generic drugs.
Prescription errors involving heart medication, psychiatric drugs, blood pressure medication, and pain medications (to name a few) can lead to a medical outcome ranging from stroke and heart attacks to death. At The McLeod Firm, we are committed to holding medical professionals responsible for preventable medication mistakes. We provide a free initial consultation and handle all our prescription drug cases on a contingency basis. When our attorneys file a prescription drug lawsuit on behalf of a client, we are committed to providing effective, insightful legal representation from the initial investigation through any necessary trial.