Month: March 2014
The Florida Supreme Court Rules Against Medical Malpractice Damage Caps.I
In a ground breaking decision, the Florida Supreme Court has ruled that the Florida law capping damages in medical malpractice cases for “non economic” damages, (also known as pain and suffering), is unconstitutional as a violation of Florida’s guarantee of equal protection. The Florida Supreme Court described the law as not passing the “rational basis […]
Continuous Chest Compression CPR is a New Life Saving Technique
Take a look at an easier and more effective method of CPR. This is a great video demonstration and explanation from the doctors who pioneered the procedure at the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center. This short video illustrates exactly what to do if someone near you collapses and is presumably having a heart attack. […]
The McLeod Firm is a proud sponsor of the Community Empowerment Series,
The McLeod Firm is a proud sponsor of the Community Empowerment Series, whose mission is to strengthen our community and enrich our parents, teachers and everyone working with our children to be safer and kinder- both online and off. Join us from 9:00am – 3:00pm, Saturday, March 29th, at St. Augustine High School?